It was a long time ago when I first wanted to publish these words. I never had the chance and now finally I'll turn them public. they tell a little about me and a little about everyone around me. Best secrets and joys I'll only tell later, for now let's make it up to you, I'm really sorry...

First days of august 2006:
"It's been almost a month, I know. I'm in Brussels, having fun, enjoying life feeling really good vibrations...but unfortunately not able to have an internet connection in my place so after a number of attempts in some really dirty paki call centers i finally succeed in writing a couple of words for y'all. I'm working hard for the thesis, meeting old and new friends, rebuilding bridges of friendship between Italy and Belgium. The work proceeds slow and full of obstacles but I should be able to get it done within the deadline.
I called my brother yesterday, with the family spread all over the world it's important to keep in touch with everyone. He seemed happy and excited for this thing he started. I envy him in a way because when I had the chance to do it (by the way he's doing his fourth year of high school in the US) I didn't.
Anyway, in less than two weeks I'm back in my hometown once again, I think I'll never get used to goodbyes and coming backs. Sometimes I'd like to be more a jerk, not so passionate about people and places. It really tears you apart to leave someone knowing there's not much of a chance to see each other again. On the other hand I feel like living everyday like it's the last one, saving every breath I take for how emotional it is.
It's been an healthy time though. I'm playing basketball almost every day, I'm eating good stuff, I mean healthy stuff, lots of vegetables, and I finally changed my drinking habits, since until the end of erasmus it really was too much...
I miss people, my people. I spoke to Miquel a couple of days ago and there's maybe a tiny chance to get together, with Silvia as well, back in Rome before he starts working. Gerardo apparently works hard and doesn't have time for coming, on the other hand he is in sweet company so...I cheer fo that. Shay told me he's planning his German semester, Alix should be right now with Omer and Kyle in Texas and she became a taunt! No news of Joao and Arne who should be still in Portugal and China. Diego is in Barcelona, I spoke a little with him yesterday, he seemed happy. As for the gentle american guys met in Munich a couple of weeks ago, I'm still regretting not to have met you here in BXL, it's such a shame, especially because I'm not sure about coming soon to LA :(
Pablo, Luis and Alejandro are still in Brussels, haven't met them yet though. Jarco and Agueda left not too much ago for Spain before leaving to California where they'll spend the next academic year.
And I think that's pretty much makin'it up to date.
I think a lot of you all, people mentioned here, and people I'm not that much (or anymore) in touch with, the reflects of this year of madness on me are impressive and if it did any good it's all thanks to you. I hope someday we'll find a way to spend the time of a beer together, as we once did. I miss you, I love you, I hug you.
Take care, I'll try to do the same"