Monday, March 12, 2007

What's next? (Beauty)

Behind every corner there's beauty. Showing itself suddenly, surprising and scaring. Though what I ask now it's what's next?
I have a firm convinction that best is yet to come, nevertheless what's beyond next corner is the great "?" .
Will beauty stun me once more or the sad grey of empty days is going to become abitude?
First of all I'd like this flew to pass, I hate being sick. My head's hurting and I can't focus on anything. Furtheremore I am already nervous for Champions League quarter finals against Manchester United. That's fucking hell of a team.
These are days of words not said, secrets not told, speeches not spoken, conversations not talked. I vaguely hope for good news from London, already quit hopelessly look for an internship. So what I do can't be said and what I say can't be done.
I know how much my words may sound cryptic but one day I'll explain everyone, myself in first place, I swear.
In the mean time take a look at last corner's beauty.
Winter #2


Pangallo said...

Da come descrivi la situazione sembra che tu viva in una puntata di Lost...

theGodfather said...

Può sembrare telefilmesco, ma ogni tanto la fede cieca (non in sciocche credenze tipo la reincarnazione o il castigo divino) può aiutarti a campare. Se ti concentri sull' "Es muss sein" di Kundera capisci che le cose arrivano esattamente come devono arrivare e in nessun altro modo.