Thursday, April 19, 2007

California, here we come!

I've been accepted for a summer volunteer program in California, I'll leave in around a month for Santa Cruz where I shall spend three months (until the end of summer ;op).
It is a relief what finally happened. I couldn't stand anymore those whole days of nothing, this will be both challenging and (hopefully) rewarding.
By the way, next year I'll study here in Rome once agian, which is far from an happy solution but it's pretty much the only choice.
Further news will come.

Friday, April 06, 2007

pag.139 secondo paragrafo.

Passo avanti un'idea che viene dai miei amici ispanici.
Sostanzialmente si tratta di passare di mano in mano un post bloggato (generalmente si commenta su quello degli altri e poi si inizia nel proprio) con la citaizone delle prime cinque righe del secondo paragrafo a pag.139 del libro che si sta leggendo. So che è una cosa surreale ed ho già provveduto a coglionare come merita l'artefice del passaggio che è arrivato a me. In ogni modo proseguo e vediamo che succede.

"Quando diceva di non lavorare gli obbedivano; e facevano addirittura a gara per seguirlo nella marcia in onore dell'undicesimo anniversario della fucilazione di Francisco Ferrero a Montjuic, Barcellona."

Bruce Chatwin, In Patagonia.

Monday, April 02, 2007

The Storm has Passed

Now that I have clearer mind, I rethink of what happened in the past weeks, months, year.
All of a sudden I find myself enjoying my time in Brussels even too much, deciding to stay there longer, postponing the thesis, graduation and such. Then, a sense of invincibility appears to have taken me so that I couldn't reason with clear mind. It is only now that I realize, not to have been mistaken, but to have made choices considering no possible adversity.
That's why the circumstances I should have forseen caught me so surprisingly unprepared.
I do know, on the other hand, that I've been a little unlucky, but I must be couscious that I made mistakes and cannot now avoid being responsable for those.

Wrong Self Portrait

But as I said beginning this post, I have clearer mind now and the future appears less tragic of what I thought in the beginning. You just have to learn flexibility. The more easily you heart adapts to situations, the more versatile your mind will be. It doesn't mean to accept everything and always consider that "things will come to you one way or another". It means you have to try get everything tou can also from a second best situation, that is most of the time not a choice.
I played basketball today, for the first time since october. It's fucking hard, my body is aching in almost every part, but how satisfying it is to lay on the couch after the shower, with all your muscles thanking you for being reactivated.
The best is yet to come.