Saturday, June 09, 2007

Over the hills and far away

So I am back in this beautiful hippish, surfish, summer city. Yesterday it was such a beautiful day, we played football on the beach. The sun was high and the tan was coming.
To spend a few words about my first project: it is pretty hard work. I wasn't expecting it to be that hard, the first day I wanted to commit suicide. It's only after a while that I saw the purpose and the beauty of what I was doing. I am learning to build dry walls and channels and water bars. It's called "trailwork" and involves everything is necessary to reconstruct, renew, remodel existing trails. I did it near Tucson and it was extremely hot. Until yesterday I was pretty sure my next project would have been in California but apparently since the branch has just started up here (I'm in the very first crew working here in Santa Cruz) there is not that much work to do et so we'll help the guys down in AZ to get things done. It pisses me off very much, it is frustrating that I applied for a California project and now I find myself working in Arizona for another hitch. But still I don't want to blame anybody, I see that they do everything they can and things will go the right way in a while.
Speaking about myself, there's not much to say. I enjoy the work part, the project and everything that goes with it because it really is fulfilling and self-satisfying. Though I think this is still a vacation, I'd like to have a little more night life a little better company while drinking (the US underage-no-drinking policy is a fucking joke). But best is always yet to come.

1 comment:

Pangallo said...

Uhm, it seems "Arizona dream" more than a "Dream of Californication", but I'm quite sure that your situation is really better than you're descrybing it now. Best wishes!