Monday, July 23, 2007


The German guy, saying goodbye through a mass of temperamental bright-blonde hair, looked tough and cold, though I could percieve the puncturing pain of separation in his voice.
The quite Korean, the one that never speaks loud and is never in a hurry left in an early morning without making a big fuss about it. I hope someday he will finally figure out how God must look like.
The high elf, light of my days, left smiling as usual. It makes me feel better to see that what's important is what you have had rather than what you might have lost.
The crazy Italian left on an empty van riding to San Francisco Airport to meet her lover. I know she'll have fun since none else ever was that much in their own world.
The Swedish silent rock left with a luggage bigger than him in a sunny sunday morning, with the best company.
The GPS, the best surprise you'll ever recieve, will leave tomorrow on a trip to his beloved city. You still owe me a dinner, there's still time for us to say goodbye.
All this people meant everything to me here. I'll never forget.
Concerning who is here now:
The Jumping Jap, with his wide forehead and a passion for Marlboros. The companion of freesbee training and much more.
The Danish nuts, the one with a laugh that spreads around as a disease. One day I won't be jelous of your spectacular voice anymore, we should play more together.
The French community with thier gentle manners, it's so nice of you to remind me everytime how to stay civilized also being in the wild.
The Korean girls and their good spirit, always looking at the brightside.
The Italian army that just arrived with a coffee pot and some familiar humor after so long.

I am stuck in the middle, ready to start over. And not to forget y'all, for no reason.
Both present and gone people are the inspiration to make miracles happen.

1 comment:

Dave Bastardo said...

Hola cabrón!!

Cómo estás? Por tu blog veo que las cosas te están yendo bien, que has conocido a gente que vale la pena. Espero que sigas difrutando de cada segundo de tu American dream. :)

Yo estoy bien... como te conté estuve en China, volví hace dos semanas. Ahora estoy de vacaciones, en plan ermitaño estudiando para los últimos exámenes de la carrera.

Me apetece mucho hablar contigo, ya hace mucho que no hablo contigo y te echo de menos hermano!!

Cuidate!! Un abrazo muy grande!!