Sunday, August 31, 2008


Wow, it's been long!
I was rearranging my life in the last months and apparently it worked out. I am living in a peaceful and dreamy state lately, due mostly to a relationship that in almost a year hasn't stopped surprising me quite yet.
School's good, not many exams away from being through. I don't feel much like studying but hey, perfection gets boring pretty rapidly ain't it?
Regardless of the few things I am wondering about, future career and future opportunities, I'd say I'm rolling pretty good.
For all those who seeked news about me recently around the Godfather's house, thank you, it's appreciated to know people think of you.
I thought many times to close this blog, it takes effort and inspiration to open up your feelings, being a personal journal. In the end i decided to keep it. It may not be adjourned often but it is a part of my last years I dont want to erase. For future memory some say. On the other hand I'll try to write more often.
The boy is back...


Pangallo said...

NonCiPossoCredere, finalmente un aggiornamento!

Eazye said...

sì infatti, io me ne sono accorto con 2 settimane di ritardo...